Search Functionality Optimization with Azure: 5-Wk Assessment


Unleash the hidden power of your system with our Azure-centric search functionality optimization audit

Why you need it

Search functionality plays a primal role in your solution’s UX as the feature is responsible for displaying relevant information or products based on user queries. Unoptimized search functionality related to the challenges of Azure cloud computing results in:
  • User dissatisfaction due to irrelevant search results and poor navigation
  • Unoptimized Azure services configuration hindering search performance
  • Excessive spending on Azure services in an attempt to fix subpar search functionality performance
  • Insufficient solution scalability making the system incapable of dealing with a large number of user queries

During a five-week assessment, Itransition will examine the feature and its connection to the Azure stack, aiming to increase user satisfaction and lower the costs of cloud computing.

We will ensure that the search functionality:

  • Fulfills your business goals, having the potential for growth and scalability
  • Ensures top-tier UX by precisely tailoring search results to user goals
  • Meets industry-level development standards and best practices

How we do it

Week 1 – Initiation
  1. Eliciting business needs and pain points from you

  2. Accessing project artifacts (HLD documentation, deployment diagrams, Reader access to Azure monitoring data and logs)*

  3. Analyzing search functionality and application requirements

*We sign an NDA as our team values the privacy of our clients’ data.

Weeks 2-4 – Analysis

  1. Forming an in-depth understanding of the infrastructure and search functionality
  2. Identifying weak spots, areas for improvement, and optimization
  3. Designing search functionality optimization strategies from both infrastructure and feature perspectives

Week 5 – Wrap-up

  1. Documenting audit results
  2. Preparing recommendations
  3. Presenting results and discussing them with you

What you get

  • Comprehensive document with all the issues and their causes, supplemented by our estimates on the remediation priority and complexity

  • Optimization strategies for the search functionality and its infrastructure

  • Collected metrics and analytics with advice on how to track optimization results

Why us

  • Extensive expertise in optimizing search functionality for leading clients across many domains: healthcare, finance, retail, software, hi-tech, automotive, telecom, logistics, etc.

  • 25+ years in business, 3000+ full-time professionals, 1500+ projects, 800+ clients in 40+ countries

  • Microsoft partner since 2008, hundreds of Azure-centric projects

  • Expertise acknowledged by leading industry analysts: Deloitte, Everest Group, Zinnov Zones, Forrester, etc.