Big Boxers

Adstra LLC

Big Boxers

Adstra LLC

Big Boxers Look for Choices and Value

Big Boxers - Adstra Orbits

Big Boxers love a wide variety of familiar brands. They are brand loyal and shop with the goal of saving as much money as possible. They believe television is a valuable source of entertainment and will rearrange their schedule to watch a preferred program. Less trusting of the internet, they rely heavily on the basic features of their mobile device and view it as a safety item for their family. Big Boxers pamper their pets, keep their homes organized and are active in their communities. They enjoy alone time but value their friendships.
Key segments for targeting include Brand Affinity, Pet Owners, Home Improvement, Social Causes, etc.

I like to shop big-box stores that offer a wide variety of familiar brands. I’m brand loyal and shop with the goal of saving as much money as possible. I  pay attention to the ingredients and contents of products I buy.
I start and end each day with the news. I read the newspaper each day, all sections and agree that television programming is the most reliable outlet of information. I also watch a variety of programs and at the time of airing,  as I will rearrange my schedule around my preferred programming. The Internet has little influence on my daily routine; it makes people and their information too available. This all said, I use the basic features of my mobile device and only in the case of emergency.
I enjoy spending most of my time alone although I value my friendships. I pamper my pets and keep an organized home. I stay active in my community by voting in local elections and serving as an officer of an organization.

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