Made In America

Adstra LLC

Made In America

Adstra LLC

Made In America Audiences Value Tradition

Made In America - Adstra Orbits

Made In America shoppers are heavy consumers of traditional media. They renew their favorite magazine subscriptions annually, they have their favorite broadcast programs on television, and they still have a landline at home. They use the internet to find information and even maintain a social network for keeping in touch with friends and family. Their mobile device is primarily used for “safety”. They stay current with news and local affairs and deeply value their religious affiliation.

I seek out American-made and am comfortable with generic or store brand products. I shop most categories online, including household supplies, personal care and entertainment. I’m skeptical of advertised brands, as I’ve been misled too many times over the years. I like to compare prices and rely on knowledgeable sales people when shopping.
Heavy consumer of traditional media, reading the newspaper each day and viewing my favorite broadcast programs. I use the Internet to find information and even have a social network account to track my friends and family’s activities. I renew my favorite magazine subscriptions annually as they consistently give me good ideas. My household still has a landline and my mobile device is primarily used for safety.
I attend religious services regularly and believe that society would benefit from more religious influence. I always stay current with news and local affairs. I expect my finances to be worse in the near future, but for my daily outlook on life’s enjoyment to improve.

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