Appcelerator Arrow API Builder


Appcelerator Arrow API Builder


Assemble APIs, models, and connectors to access data with unprecedented ease.

Appcelerator Arrow Builder is an opinionated framework to build and deploy Node.js applications to the cloud. With Arrow Builder, developers can in minutes connect, model, transform and optimize data from any data source. Arrow's API endpoints can be consumed by any client application for fast, simple access to backend systems. Highlights include:

  • Model Wizard: Build visually using point-and-click interface or build programmatically.
  • Connector SDK: Create custom connectors to any data source. Optimize payload size and data format for mobile. 
  • Prebuilt Connectors: Including Salesforce, Azure, MS SQL, MySQL, Mongo DB, Box, Swagger, Postgress and Composite Connector for multiple data sources. 
  • Auto-documenting: Complete documentation for your APIs and models is automatically generated for you, including code snippets. 
  • Performance visualization: See step-by-step execution detail for each API request to easily troubleshoot and optimize performance. 
  • Manage data: Visual interface to easily create, find, update and delete records for any models/APIs that you create.  

Watch overview video and access the step-by-step guide