
ATH Infosystems

(1 hodnocení)


ATH Infosystems

(1 hodnocení)

Version 3.8.2 + Free Support on Ubuntu 20.04

RabbitMQ is a robust message broker software designed to facilitate communication between distributed applications efficiently. By implementing the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), RabbitMQ ensures reliable message delivery and enables various messaging patterns to suit diverse application needs.

Features of RabbitMQ:

  • RabbitMQ supports multiple messaging patterns, including point-to-point, publish/subscribe, and request/reply, allowing flexible communication between applications.
  • Provides durable message queuing, ensuring message persistence and delivery even in the event of system failures or network issues.
  • Offers message routing and filtering capabilities, allowing users to define routing rules based on message attributes and content.
  • Supports clustering and high availability configurations for scalability and fault tolerance, ensuring seamless operation in distributed environments.
  • Integrates with various programming languages and platforms through client libraries, enabling easy adoption and interoperability.
Disclaimer: RabbitMQ is an open-source software distributed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). It is not associated with any specific company or organization. RabbitMQ is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users assume all risks associated with the use of this software. The developers and contributors to RabbitMQ disclaim any liability for damages, losses, or consequences resulting from its use. Users should review and comply with licensing terms and regulations while utilizing RabbitMQ.