Emojot Social Listening and Tracking

Emojot Inc.

Emojot Social Listening and Tracking

Emojot Inc.

Turn social chatter into strategic action with Emojot's SLT

Emojot's AI-enhanced Social Listening and Tracking (SLT) solution equips businesses with the power to listen, analyze, and respond to digital conversations. It tracks keywords, phrases, brands, or topics across the social media landscape and wider web, providing a comprehensive view of digital dialogue. Leveraging AI technology, it offers advanced analytics on mentions, reach, and engagement, including AI-driven sentiment analysis and topic categorization. Uniquely, it features generative AI-driven recommendation analysis per channel, aimed to boost engagement and optimize the effectiveness of social media posts. It also provides per-channel behavior and trend analysis, facilitating a nuanced understanding of evolving digital conversations. Adding to its breadth of features, the solution includes comprehensive competitor analysis, offering a wider industry perspective. With its weekly email alerts and storm alerts, businesses are always on top of their digital footprint. Emojot's SLT solution harnesses the power of AI to transform social media monitoring into actionable intelligence, empowering businesses to strategize effectively in the digital sphere solving the following pain-points.

- Understanding Online Conversations: Difficulty in deciphering what customers, prospects, and competitors are saying about the company in the vast sea of online chatter.
- Inadequate Monitoring Tools: Existing tools may not offer comprehensive monitoring of a company's social media presence across all platforms, leading to blind spots in their social listening strategies.
- Identifying Actionable Insights: Struggles with filtering through massive volumes of data to identify what can actually be actioned upon for improving brand image, reputation, and engagement.
- Near Real-Time Response: The lag in time it takes to recognize viral negative sentiments or potential crises and respond appropriately, potentially damaging the brand.
- Competitor Analysis: Difficulty in tracking what competitors are doing on social media, and how their own brand measures up in comparison.
- Topic Categorization: Challenges in categorizing mentions and comments into actionable topics, hindering strategic planning and targeted responses.
- Data Overload: Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data and conversations, making it difficult to focus on metrics that truly matter.