EnOcean IoT Connector

EnOcean GmbH

EnOcean IoT Connector

EnOcean GmbH

EnOcean IoT Connector for quick integration of EnOcean energy harvesting sensors & switches.

For deployment, trial and technical documentation visit our technical documentation.

Data analysis is becoming increasingly important to identify utilization patterns, trim costs and make buildings into better places for work. The IoT Connector can use the existing IT infrastructure to collect your data, process it and feeds them to your application.

One key feature of the IoT Connector software is that it decodes the IoT data from the EnOcean Protocol and translates it into ready-to-use data in JSON format to be used in the actual application. Algorithms are needed to unravel the data and to make it available for customer applications in the right form. Customer applications consume IoT data in a “keyvalue pairs“ format, such as JSON. 
The data is processed directly at the final destination like a cloud or server from the customer. For example, this could be Microsoft Azure cloud. Typical use cases are data analytics and IoT applications and the major advantage is that the client has total control over the data flow. With this new model there is no third party or third storage location involved when transferring the data from sensor to cloud. Customers decide what happens with their data, whether visualised, analysed or archived. Here, the IoT Connector is a containerised application and available for deployment at the Docker Hub. 

Benefits at a glance

  • IoT Connector provides the data for every IoT application
  • No middleman between customer and data – complete control over data flow
  • Place, connect and forget – the integration of EnOcean products is now easier than ever before
  • EnOcean sensor data and sensor health
  • High security level – data is not forwarded to third parties or service providers
  • End-to-end-encryption (AES 128 and TLS)
  • Lowest connectivity costs – leverage existing building infrastructure
  • IoT Connector can run anywhere
  • Instant deployment and updates on premises or in the cloud