Health Flow


Health Flow


The key to effective capacity management. Predictive insights, combined with powerful simulations.

IQVIA Health Flow Features

  • IQVIA Health Flow is developed for Healthcare Providers as a SaaS solution running in Microsoft Azure that consists of 2 modules: IQVIA Health Flow Insight and IQVIA Health Flow Manager.
  • IQVIA Health Flow Insight provides real-time insights in the current and predicted capacity needs in terms of beds and staffing. It combines role based screens with a business rules engine in order to trigger the right person to take the right actions to solve or prevent capacity problems.
  • IQVIA Health Flow manager is a digital twin of the hospital or health system dedicated to capacity management. It helps to understand the variability and its impact, gives insights into the system through calculations and search for solutions through simulations.
  • IQVIA Health Flow Manager provides an intuitive interface to create custom data models and powerful data science capabilities to map towards capacity and activity pathways. It is fed with the information flowing from IQVIA Health Flow and additional datasets that can be loaded depending on the use case.

IQVIA Health Flow Benefits

  • IQVIA Health Flow Manager is targeted towards the team that needs to take strategic decisions on capacity optimization for the hospital or health system and translate these decisions to a tactical plan to be executed.
  • IQVIA Health Flow Insights is focused on the user that execute the tactical plan, e.g. admission planners, Operating theatre planners, staff planners, head nurses

Why IQVIA Health Flow?

In any hospital, patients come and go, they have different lengths of stay, different examinations are required, and complications can arise. There is also outpatient and surgical scheduling, and scheduling breaches. And on top of that there is the emergency flow.

The demand for care is high, but on the other hand hospitals are facing problems with staff shortages, absenteeism, job reorientation, budget etc. This imbalance creates an unsustainable strain on hospital capacity and staff.

So, the question is, how to win capacity? It’s all about variability.

All patient flows cause variability. Peaks in variability create work pressure and stress and create a risk for patient safety (patient mortality, readmissions, infections). Valleys in variability cause inefficient use of your capacity. So, getting variability in bed and staff capacity under control is crucial to keep your hospital operating efficiently, keep workloads healthy and ensure quality of care.

Making optimal use of bed capacity, reducing workload peaks and aligning OR planning better are important goals for every hospital

The good thing is that the highest variability can be seen in the planned activity, which is controllable.

So, there is a need for more efficient and aligned planning to gain capacities. This is called “capacity management”.