Azure Sentinel SIEM: 4-Wk POC/POV

ITC Secure Ltd

Azure Sentinel SIEM: 4-Wk POC/POV

ITC Secure Ltd

Experience the value ITC Secure brings to your business, plus the benefits of Azure Sentinel SIEM - delivered and managed by our London-based, world-class security analysts.

Recognised and endorsed by Microsoft, ITC Secure was the first MSSP to develop a multi-layered approach utilising Azure Sentinel.

Our proof of value (POV) delivers a comprehensive approach to event collection and collation, threat detection, risk analysis, incident investigation and rapid response. All of which is overseen and managed by a team of highly trained and accredited SOC analysts.

Our team of experts will deploy and oversee your first instance of Azure Sentinel which you can trial for 4 weeks, free of charge.



  • Project kick off
  • Define and agree the parameters of the POV along with the success criteria
    - Information gathering on your current security environment
    - Agreement of which data sources to ingest
  • Sentinel deployment and ServiceNow platform set up
    - Mapping and building out of Azure Sentinel deployment to fit business needs
    - Utilising Microsoft Azure Lighthouse to access only relevant data

Week 1:

  • Project enters four week run phase
  • Service is overseen by ITC's SOC and Service Management team
    - Creation of bespoke automated responses to alerts
    - Proactive threat hunting capability
    - 24x7x365 access and support from ITC's SOC analysts

Week 2:

  • Initial security report provided
  • Opportunity to review and refine the success criteria

Week 3:

  • Continued project run phase

Week 4:

  • Final security report provided
  • Recommendations given to optimise MS licenses
  • Costs presented for managed service
  • Project conclusion and agree next steps

Should the POV be unsuccessful, ITC will remove the environment and all related configuration.