Advanced Facial Recognition for Access Control

Mint Management Technologies

Advanced Facial Recognition for Access Control

Mint Management Technologies

Improve and enhance safety by using no-touch facial recognition and receive rich analytics

Our access control solution based on the Mint Vision Platform takes traditional cameras and enables them to perform highly advanced functions using Face Recognition. At its' simplest implementation, it uses Face Recognition to manage access to a building, branch, university, or office. The platform easily allows you to uniquely identify and track every authorized face that enters an establishment - and every anonymous face in areas where crowds are allowed. This provides superior access control over traditional biometric systems, and provides advanced analytics such as Age, Gender, etc. on anonymous populations using the area.

Clinic Management use case and key benefits

If you activate the Clinic Management feature set, the solution takes full establishment management to a whole new level. The system expands on Access Control to perform Clinic functions with Face Recognition such as:

  •   Queue Management for Patients, using Facial Recognition and multiple branching and joining queues, with voice calling and intelligent analytics behind it
  • Stations where clinicians can update information such as patient vitals or diagnosis, but only if the patient is currently in front of the camera
  • Stations where dispensing of medication can be performed, and tracked down to the individual pill, only when the patient is present in front of the camera
  • Advanced reporting on diagnoses, medication dispensing, queue timelines and processes, and general patient information 

Ideally suited for mid-sized businesses and public offices that would benefit from controlling access, queue management and services more efficiently while having in-depth analytics and AI on the rich set of data that the solution makes available on customers. 

The solution relies on several technology layers in Azure

  • Images - Images that are captured of each face event are stored in Azure
  • Data - Data for the application, such as users, audit trails and settings, are stored in Azure CosmosDB. They are stored as documents and synchronized regularly to the devices themselves.

  • Cognitive Services - The application uses Microsoft Cognitive Services for Face Detection, Face Recognition and Similar Face Matching

  • IoT Hub - The IoT Hub is used to co-ordinate messages to and from the devices to force an upgrade to a newer version of the application and to facilitate detection of when a device is down.