Predict AI


Predict AI


Predict AI is predictive analytics app enabling automated forecast for company business indicators

Predict AI is an advanced predictive analytics application designed for the Azure Marketplace, specifically tailored for Azure Managed Apps. This powerful app enables businesses to automate their forecasting processes for key company performance indicators, providing valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.

The Predict AI app seamlessly integrates with your corporate IT ecosystem, ensuring that all data storage and calculations are securely managed within your organization's infrastructure. This not only maintains the privacy and integrity of your data but also enhances the overall efficiency of your business processes.

To utilize the full potential of Predict AI, users are required to provide a CSV file that contains a "Target" column for AI model training. This file should include column data types in the first row, column names in the second row, and values starting from the third row. By leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, the app will train a predictive model based on the provided dataset.

Once the AI model is trained, users can input another CSV file for generating the actual forecast. This file should have the same data structure as the initial file, but without the "Target" column. The Predict AI app will then use the pretrained model to predict the values for the target column, offering a comprehensive forecast based on historical data.

With Predict AI, businesses can enjoy the benefits of accurate, automated forecasting, empowering them to make informed decisions and optimize their operations. By leveraging the power of Azure Managed Apps, Predict AI ensures a reliable, secure, and efficient integration with your corporate IT ecosystem, making it the ideal solution for organizations looking to enhance their data analytics capabilities.