Oasis Security

Oasis Security

Oasis Security

Oasis Security

Oasis Security provides the first enterprise platform purpose-built to secure lifecycle of NHIs.

Oasis Security is the leading provider of Non-Human Identity Management. Security of machine-to-machine access via non-human identities, such as service accounts, API keys or secrets, is a huge and unresolved weakness that is constantly exploited by malicious cyber attackers. Non-Human Identities are 50x more than human identities and have broader access to sensitive data exposing a large attack surface with greater risk of confidential data exfiltration. Yet, most organizations leave them unmanaged because they lack the technology to manage them. By enabling control over the lifecycle of Non-Human Identities, Oasis bridges the gap between devops/R&D and security, ensuring our customers elevate their security posture while maintaining highly efficient operations.

For custom pricing, EULA, or a private contract, please contact, for a private offer.