Intelligent Store - Smart Pages


Intelligent Store - Smart Pages


Automatic Creation of Landing Pages

The company offers a complete suite of intelligence tools, in the Software as a Service (SAAS) model, that can be integrated with API´s or with front end.

The Intelligent Store suite provide tools to an efficient communication between online retail and customers. This way is possible to personalize the business for each client.

Smart Pages

The Smart Pages Tool allows the automation of the Landing Pages building , personalized with relevant content to search engines. Briefly, it makes possible that the e-commerce use the external Search Portal (Google, Bing,etc) for their own searches, since their pages are better ranked, attracting new leads to the sales pipeline.

In short:

  • Building of dynamic pages to index with Search engines;
  • Google Analytics 360 integration;
  • Responsiveness to Mobile Device;
  • Personalization of pages content in according to user and the products offered;
  • Browse in relevant filters, to be possible that the users find more easier the products;
  • Dynamic loading of more products on results page

“Attract more organic leads, direct of the Search portal, through of good SEO, offers relevant content to users. “

(This app is available only in Portuguese)