Disprz LMS Pro + Go1


Disprz LMS Pro + Go1


Disprz Learning

LMS Pro with Go1 - Leverage LMS Pro+Go1 exhaustive content repository to access rich source of content. Go1 is the world's largest aggregator of educational content, a combination of Disprz’s LMS Pro and Go1 will deliver the best of content curation to users. You can create targeted content for your organization with this wide variety of content availability. Personalize learning, create advanced content curation and improve user experience. The full content catalog, including resources from third party content providers such as Go1 can be viewed, accessed and completed through the Disprz web and mobile app.

With LMS Pro+Go1,

  • Accelerate virtual employee onboarding with diverse journey types & modules

  • Access our exhaustive content repository to cater to your customized learning needs

  • Improve overall efficiency with wide variety of content availability

  • Slice & dice any custom data with Power BI reports to understand content consumption & other metrics