In Video discovery system

Tagos Design Innovations Private Limited

In Video discovery system

Tagos Design Innovations Private Limited

Charmboard uses AI to enable discovery of things and ideas from the moments of interest in a video

Charmboard uses artificial intelligence and deep learning to make users discover products and ideas from streaming video. It ingests the video to create moments of interest. Against each moment of interest, there is rich content that a user accesses. The moment of interest persists with-in a video or outside a video and moves around on social timelines.  These can also be saved by the users.

These moments are a new inventory that Charmboard 's offering creates from a video. Relevant brands buy discovery against these moments as it allows them presence in that emotive space.The experience Charmboard offers to brands is significantly superior as each brand has access to a moment where the consumer has demonstrated an intent to know more about something that interests them.