Upstream Security AutoThreat Intelligence

Upstream Security LTD

Upstream Security AutoThreat Intelligence

Upstream Security LTD

The first cyber-threat intelligence for the automotive industry.

What is Upstream’s AutoThreat Intelligence? 

Upstream's AutoThreat Intelligence is the world’s first automotive cyber-threat intelligence center. Upstream's security professionals research and analyze feeds of cyber incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities (both publicly reported and also uncovered by Upstream) to constantly update the intelligence database and security policies to share this info with Upstream’s customers as well as protect them from these threats. 

Upstream’s AutoThreat collects, analyzes, and disseminates threat intelligence specific to the automotive industry, ranging from OEMs, Smart Mobility companies, service providers, and connected fleets. AutoThreat helps organizations develop their own intelligence-led security operations with the unique nuances and understanding required of the automotive segment.

How does it work?

Upstream’s AutoThreat research team leverages intelligence from multiple internal and external sources in order to analyze vulnerabilities, automotive-oriented cyber-attacks, and threats, as well as develop countermeasures to protect Upstream’s customers. 

Upstream uses a variety of threat analysis tools in order to capture various threat indicators from public feeds and dark web activity. Vulnerabilities in specific popular automotive components and vehicles are uncovered and combined with threat metadata gleaned from connected vehicle data feeds. Threats are then analyzed and assessed in light of a growing library of automotive components in order to distill potential impacts across a variety of vehicles.

By logging into the AutoThreat portal, organizations can get a visual representation of automotive cyber threats, allowing them to take action by enhancing their security defenses and visibility in a landscape unique to their connected vehicle environments.