Secured Django on CentOS 7.3


Secured Django on CentOS 7.3


Enterprise security at fraction of cost (< 1 cent

Django is a free and open-source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.

Django emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components, rapid development, and the principle of don't repeat yourself. Python is used throughout, even for settings, files, and data models.

This Image is made specially for customers who are looking for deploying a self managed Community edition on hardened kernel instead of just putting up a vanilla install.

Disclaimer:The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide commercial licensce of any of these products. Many of the products have a free, demo or Open Source licensce as applicable.

For Stack specific support :Contact Stack Developer Team(Since we do not own the IP for the stack,Stack developers should be contacted for any support)

For Image related support: Contact SecureAnyCLoud Team

Installation Instructions for CentOS 7.3

1.Application URL: Access the application via a browser at "http://PublicDNS"

2.Default installation path: will be on your web root folder “/var/www/html/”

3.Default ports:

  • Linux Machines: SSH Port – 22
  • Http: 8080
  • Https: 443

Version:- Django 1.6.12

Note:- You can use the django-admin command to create a project: django-admin startproject projectname For more information on the Cognosys Secured Django on CentOS 7.3 visit our website.

Cognosys is the world's largest publisher on All public Clouds with over 750+ images and 150+ Containers on Azure Marketplace. If you need any specific OS with any specific Open Source or proprietary stack which is not available on Microsoft Azure cloud ,We can provide you with your custom azure marketplace image without any additional charges. Please send a Custom Image Request using link on Left side

In some cases, these might be unique use cases, where you might have a proprietary IP which you want to provide to your client or to your Development team and do not want to share on any public domain. We provide confidential images locked to only your subscription also with a NDA signed for confidentiality. Please send us a an email or use the form on the left. We work with large Enterprise clients to help them build their Golden Image repository.

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