Swirl Open-Source AI Enabled Federated Search for the Enterprise

SWIRL Corporation

Swirl Open-Source AI Enabled Federated Search for the Enterprise

SWIRL Corporation

Private cloud deployment AI-powered open-source federated search for intelligent cross silo insights

Run Swirl Community in your Azure private tenant,
Swirl Community AI-powered federated search enables users to rapidly locate, retrieve, and act on enterprise data, applications, and insights through an intuitive search interface. Swirl Community is the Azure ready version of the Swirl open-source offering available on Github ( As the leading provider for search enabled solutions for safe deployment in your Azure private cloud environment, Swirl quickly and easily combines internal and external repositories. Additional product documentation can be found at

Swirl Community is also available on GitHub,
Swirl Community made available on Azure simplifies the task of safely deploying Swirl in your own Azure private environment. Follow Swirl documentation to configure search providers for retrieval of information from Micrsoft, Google, AWS Kendra, BigQuery, Collibra, Elastic search, Google, MongoDB, OpenSearch, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Qdrant, Snowflake, Solr, Sqlite, ThoughtSpot, Vespa, Algolia, Asana Tasks, Atlassian, Confluence, Discord, GitHub, HubSpot, Jira Cloud, OneDrive, Outlook, SharePoint, Teams, Miro, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Slack, Trello, YouTrack,, Asana,, Crunchbase,, Internet Archive,,, OpenSanctions, and many more.

Looking for Enterprise Grade Retrieval Augmented Generation? Upgrade to Swirl Enterprise

Get in touch with us at or visit to learn more about our complimentary 30-day trial of Swirl Enterprise. This is a great opportunity to explore the features and benefits of our AI-enabled metasearch platform. Don’t miss out on this chance to revolutionize your business. Try Swirl today!

Deploy Swirl Community Monthly Subscription: Affordable at Just $20 Per Month

Click “Get It Now” for a seamless deployment of the Swirl Community Monthly Subscription. This AI-enabled metasearch platform is securely deployed in your Azure environment. With Swirl, you can unify data across segmented or dispersed systems, allowing users to search simultaneously across repositories without the need to switch between multiple systems. Swirl brings the question to the source, adapting the query to understand the true intent and return the most relevant and accurate response. Swirl searches across a wide variety of information sources without moving data.

Get help by joining the Swirl Community on Slack
If you cannot find answers in the documentation, let us know!

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