Peer5 WebRTC (P2P) eCDN


Peer5 WebRTC (P2P) eCDN


Solving the peak demand problem for corporate streaming inside Microsoft Teams, Stream and Yammer.

Delivering high-quality video into corporate networks for all-hands meetings or large training sessions requires a massive amount of bandwidth. Unfortunately, the office ISP connection is usually a constrained resource. This means that there is a high risk of network saturation during large streaming events which causes poor video quality, loss of productivity and user frustration. Peer5 solves this problem by offloading 80% to 99% of the bandwidth during large video events, and it’s done using only JavaScript which is already integrated in the Microsoft player. Peer5 detects what users watch the same content at the same time and connects them so they can share content over the local office network.

Scalable video streaming behind the firewall

Enterprises can now easily scale and meet their growing video demands - by using computing resources that are already available in their office network. Peer5 ECDN scales automatically with streaming demand. Every viewer that participates in the stream not only streams from the server but potentially from any other viewer. This peer-assisted architecture is inherently more scalable and resilient during peak hours. By adding monitoring, analytics, security and management, Peer5 Enterprise ensures the highest quality streaming within corporate networks. 

The more viewers, the better it works

Peer5 ECDN enables viewers to seamlessly share content
and improve video quality. As opposed to a traditional solution (which is depicted on the left), the origin server is no longer the only source of video segments (figure on right). The network is relieved, and no congestion or bottlenecks will occur. By leveraging peers, the solution becomes more effective as more viewers join the stream. 

Why WebRTC is a game changer?

  1. No download, no installation - Baked into Chrome, FF, Safari, and Edge 
  2. Secure - Governed by the W3C and IETF, it’s open source and standard 
  3. Stable - Used by many well-known apps such as Microsoft Teams

Peer5 is the only ECDN designed for WebRTC

  • Started with WebRTC back in 2012
  • Work closely with Google and is a W3C member
  • Support all platforms including Android & iOS apps
  • Sustained events of more than 1M concurrent viewers
  • Battle-tested, with WebRTC, on various Fortune 500 networks