Actifio Sky, Actifio Global Manager


(8 Bewertungen)

Actifio Sky, Actifio Global Manager


(8 Bewertungen)

Data Virtualization for Hybrid Cloud - Rapid Data Access for DevOps, Instant Recovery & Cloud Backup

Actifio helps enterprises move faster to Microsoft Azure, to use the cloud for business resiliency and agility use cases from DR to DevOps. In addition to providing data protection that Gartner ranked #1 in the backup market, Actifio lets customers move, use, and protect data across a hybrid cloud environment, making it instantly available to approved users, anywhere.

Actifio provides safe on-ramps to the cloud for organizations looking leverage Azure on-demand cloud resources. This allows IT teams to free themselves from the problem of "data gravity," where data is stuck in on-premises siloed hardware, such as expensive deduplication appliances, tape backup or VTL systems, or even expensive storage arrays.

Actifio further enhances data access and availability with the ability to provision virtual machines instantly from Azure Blob object storage, and to enable global file search to instantly recover files protected anywhere within a company’s infrastructure.

Want to...

  • Instantly recover application data for disaster recovery in the cloud?
  • Speed up development & analytics cycles by provisioning virtual copies of SQL Server, Oracle, SAP HANA or other databases to test, dev, DevOps & BI teams?
  • Use all tiers of Azure Storage, including the new Ultra SSD tier?
  • Accelerate Azure adoption, while retaining data & cloud mobility?
  • Gain the economics of object storage with the benefit of instant virtual machine access

See It in Action