Rocky DEM 4.5

CrunchYard Global

Rocky DEM 4.5

CrunchYard Global

Rocky DEM 4.5 System Powered by CrunchYard

CrunchYard's Rocky DEM 4.5 System is a Virtual Machine on Azure to provide the environment suitable for Rocky DEM simulations with single or multiple Nvidia GPUs. Rocky is installed and configured on the chosen VM along with the Nvidia Cuda Drivers. Rocky DEM quickly and accurately simulates the flow behavior of bulk materials with complex particle shapes and size distributions. Rocky DEM allows modeling of accurate particle shapes which includes custom 3D bodies, 2D shells and fibers which can be made rigid or flexible. The CrunchYard Rocky DEM 4.5 system removes the need for installation, setup and 3rd party GPU drivers. You can now easily connect your Rocky license as a service to this system.