NodeJS 16.20 on EuroLinux 9.3

EuroLinux Sp. z o. o.

NodeJS 16.20 on EuroLinux 9.3

EuroLinux Sp. z o. o.

Node.js is an asynchronous runtime environment built on the V8 engine, designed for efficient creation of scalable and responsive web applications.

Node.js is a versatile runtime environment built on the V8 engine, designed for constructing modern, responsive web applications. Its key feature is asynchronous processing, enabling the simultaneous handling of multiple operations. Node.js excels in real-time applications (chat applications, online games, social media) and managing many concurrent connections. The tool also has the capability to build client-side applications through the Electron platform. Node.js, with its non-blocking I/O operations, efficiently manages tasks like handling HTTP requests, file system operations, and database queries, ensuring optimal resource utilization. It leverages an extensive ecosystem of packages and modules available through NPM (Node Package Manager), accelerating the development process. Developers can utilize numerous pre-built modules, simplifying common tasks and speeding up the application development cycle. The platform finds widespread use in constructing microservices architectures, where its lightweight and scalable nature facilitate the effective creation of distributed systems. Node.js seamlessly integrates with other technologies and services, contributing to the development of flexible, modular, and easily maintainable applications.