IBM Data Science and MLOps Express on ARO - BYOL

IBM Software

IBM Data Science and MLOps Express on ARO - BYOL

IBM Software

Full featured end-to-end MLOps and AI lifecycle with monitoring capabilities.

Data science covers simple exploration and visualization through to modeling and AI training. MLOps (Machine Learning Ops) covers capabilities to help an organization use models in production. Promoting models from development or tracking statistics to help mitigate bias are both examples of MLOps capabilities. Our users were clear that they wanted both sets of function in a single package, so this Express offering weaves together open source and IBM technology to help address both halves.

IBM Cloud Pak for Data Express is a set of three pre-built, pre-sized offerings designed to address problems in cataloging, analyzing and integrating data. The IBM Cloud Pak for Data Express offerings give you a choice of three popular data fabric starting points: IBM Data Governance Express for a data catalog, IBM ELT Pushdown Express for data pipelines or IBM Data Science and MLOps Express for analytics and modeling. Each provides pre-sized, pre-selected services designed to address a current data fabric need.

-Accelerate time to value with one-click deployments and code/code-free tools
-Analyze data, transform and visualize it with 100s of built-in operations
-Combine visual tools, open-source libraries, and notebook-based interfaces in one platform
-Automate data collection and model building, deployment, and monitoring to drive trust"

To purchase IBM Data Science and MLOps Express via Azure marketplace please email:

Offer Details:
Product Version: 4.8.x
This template deploys IBM Cloud Pak for Data Express v4.8 on a fully-managed Openshift Container Platform 4.12 using Azure Red Hat Openshift (ARO). The ARM template automatically provisions the underlying Azure services required for the Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster, which includes Azure Virtual Machine, Azure Virtual Network, and Azure Managed Disks. It provides you the opportunity to create or configure - Master and Worker Subnets, Availability Zone, Availability Sets, Custom DNS, Security groups, and User-defined routing.
Click here for detailed documentation and deployment information including the architecture diagram.

Requirements for deploying this template:
  • Azure App Service Domain
  • Azure Service Principal with Contributor and User Access Administrator roles.
  • RedHat OpenShift Pull Secret
  • Cloud Pak for Data API Key

This offer is Bring-Your-Own-License and assumes you have sufficient entitlements.
When you buy IBM Cloud Pak for Data Express you can choose to exclude OpenShift entitlements, only if you plan to deploy on Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO), which includes those entitlements. Nonetheless, you will be responsible for the Azure infrastructure costs.

For customized pricing or questions please email: