NM Commerce MG

NM Cloud Solutions LLC

NM Commerce MG

NM Cloud Solutions LLC

NM Commerce MG is a versatile and opensource ecommerce platform based on Magento2 Community Edition to create feature-rich online stores.

NM Commerce MG is an opensource eCommerce platform based on Magento2 Community Edition

It allows you to create and manage a thriving online store.

It is a powerful and flexible platform that offers a wide range of features, including:

Product management:

NM Commerce MG makes it easy to create, manage, and sell products online. You can create product variations, set up product reviews, and manage your inventory.

Customer management:

NM Commerce MG allows you to create and manage customer accounts, track customer orders, and send out email marketing campaigns.


NM Commerce MG offers a variety of checkout options, including guest checkout, saved addresses, and multiple payment methods.


NM Commerce MG includes a number of marketing tools, such as product recommendations, abandoned cart emails, and social media integration.


NM Commerce MG is highly extensible, with a large community of developers creating extensions that add new features and functionality.

If you are looking for a powerful and flexible eCommerce platform that is free to use, then NM Commerce MG is a great option.

Here are some additional benefits of using NM Commerce MG:


NM Commerce MG is a scalable platform that can be easily expanded as your business grows.


NM Commerce MG is a secure platform that is regularly updated with security patches.


There is a large and active community of NM Commerce MG users and developers who can help you with any problems you encounter.

This offer integrates opensource software to quickly setup one or more ecommerce store

Magento2 Community Edition is distributed under

All Trademarks are owned by their respective owners.