Selenium Dynamic Grid
SilverLining.Cloud GmbH
Selenium Dynamic Grid
SilverLining.Cloud GmbH
Selenium Dynamic Grid
SilverLining.Cloud GmbH
Host a virtual machine with a Selenium Dynamic Grid to run your Selenium scripts remotely in Azure.
Get started with your own Selenium Grid on Azure in one click
This image enables one-click deployment of a dynamic Selenium Grid powered by Docker containers. It provides an endpoint for automating remote Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. Selenium is perfect for test automation, routine web task automation, web crawlers, and app monitoring. This image includes detailed documentation, sample code snippets, and dedicated support.How it works Dynamic Grid allows you to run remote Selenium tests concurrently in isolated Docker environments. The maximum number of concurrent sessions depends on the number of vCPUs in your instance. For example, with a virtual machine running 4 vCPUs, you can execute up to 4 scripts concurrently. The Grid server automatically queues incoming requests to prevent overload.
Easy Usage (example in Python):
from selenium import webdriver
capabilities = {'browserName': 'chrome'}
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = 'http://<PublicIpAddressOfGridServer>:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities = capabilities)
Find detailed Documentation for this product at:
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Start running your Selenium scripts on Azure today.