Whatfix Web DAP

Whatfix, Inc

Whatfix Web DAP

Whatfix, Inc

Whatfix provides in-app interactive guides and walkthroughs to Ease User Onboarding, Reduce Training

Whatfix empowers anyone, anywhere to have scalable success with the technology they use every day. Whatfix integrates seamlessly with applications to enable users, providing in-context information and guidance to immediately increase individual capability and collectively provide an enhanced user experience. Whatfix works with Fortune 500 companies across the globe and has been named a leader in the Digital Adoption category by top analyst firms like Gartner, Deloitte, Forrestor, and Everest Group.

The Whatfix Digital Adoption Platform is built around the Analyze - Build - Deliver framework, a closed feedback loop where behavioral data is leveraged to deliver tailored experiences for users in order to improve application proficiency, offer self-serve support, and drive productivity. Whatfix Product Analytics, a no-code platform captures and analyzes detailed insights into how users and customers interact with the product.

Key features :

Personalized Onboarding - Introduce your users to the application with a tour of all key features

In-App Guidance - Create interactive, step-by-step tooltips that guide your users across the application

Self-Service - Provide in-app contextual help to users in their moment of need

Change Management - Highlight new features or changes to improve awareness and usage

Data-Driven Adoption - Understand your users’ behavior to continuously optimize the experience and improve adoption

Learn more

Whatfix Product Analytics

Whatfix Product Analytics video

Whatfix for Microsoft Teams

Whatfix for Microsoft Teams demo

Whatfix for Microsoft Teams case study

Whatfix for Microsoft Dynamics