OpenBlue Location Manager

Johnson Controls

OpenBlue Location Manager

Johnson Controls

OpenBlue Location Manager

Uncover Space Utilization, Safety and Security Opportunities
Johnson Controls is at the forefront of responding in unique and innovative ways to help communities re-open amidst the challenges of COVID-19. Our goal is to deliver technology solutions that help keep people safe and healthy, and ensure buildings are prepared to welcome back employees, visitors, and customers. Open Blue Location Manager helps keep mission critical workplaces running smoothly by minimizing the business impact should an employee test positive. For non-mission critical workplaces, Location Manager assists facilities for the reopening of buildings and their agile adaptation to the new ways of working that will emerge post COVID-19.

Location Manager provides strategic indoor location insights in relation to people, space, and equipment. 
As people return to work, businesses can use Location Manager to make data-driven, people-focused, real-time decisions on spaces and equipment. Each component of the Location Manager solution works from a mobile app to power dashboards so businesses can safely re-enter and reoccupy the workplace. 
Location Manager can help you understand occupancy ebbs and flows by day, week and month, and explore opportunities to smooth spikes in demands and eliminate areas of over utilization. 
It can also provide insights on which teams, groups or functions are using which spaces to help make informed decisions regarding the space amount, type and layout to best suit the needs of employees, and the business. 
This enables businesses to move from a waterfall model of space design/redesign to an agile model that continuously adapts to how the space is used, by making small frequent changes with the solution continuously monitoring the effects of the changes

Location Manager can help you quickly find critical items, eliminate time spent walking around to find carts, pipettes and other commonly used items with a real-time view of these mobile assets. 
You can optimize equipment inventory using the data to understand which equipment you need more of and which you have too much of.
The application runs on a cloud based software platform that collects real-time data from a wide range of plug and play sensors with wire-free installation.