
ATH Infosystems

(1 ratings)


ATH Infosystems

(1 ratings)

Version 2.9.3 + Free Support on Ubuntu 20.04

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Apache Airflow is an open-source platform used for orchestrating complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines. It allows users to schedule, monitor, and manage workflows using a Python-based DSL (domain-specific language), providing a rich set of features for workflow automation and monitoring.

Features of Apache Airflow:

  • It provides a rich web-based interface for visualizing and monitoring workflows.
  • Airflow supports flexible scheduling with cron-like syntax and manages task dependencies effectively.
  • It includes robust error handling with automatic retries and comprehensive logging for monitoring task performance.

Database details are saved in credentials.txt file located at /var/product-airflow directory.

Access the Airflow web interface at http://your-server-ip:8080

Disclaimer: Apache Airflow is an open-source project distributed under the Apache License 2.0. It is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any company. Apache Airflow is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users utilize this software at their own risk. The developers and contributors to Apache Airflow hold n o responsibility for any damages, losses, or consequences resulting from the use of this software. Users are advised to carefully review and comply with licensing terms and any applicable regulations while using Apache Airflow.