Elevate Identity

Elevate Security, Inc.

Elevate Identity

Elevate Security, Inc.

Elevate provides a 360° profile of the human risk during each access attempt.

Elevate provides a 360° profile of the human risk behind each access attempt. By enhancing Identity Access Management (IAM) with Elevate user risk data, security teams can make better decisions during the authentication process, leading to reduced incidents of unauthorized access, and helping minimize post incident clean up.
With user risk data, Access Reviews are triggered by changes in risk profile, reducing overall AR burden, while increasing focus on (a small number of) high risk users.
Leveraging detailed, full-spectrum risk data, Elevate partitions users into specific risk groups. Integrating directly with Microsoft Active Directory, Elevate continuously updates individual group membership as risks evolve. For example, dev/ops engineers with rising malware risk factors might be added to a risk group entitled, ‘High Risk - Malware’. Inclusion in any particular risk group subjects the individual to that group’s policies, i.e., limiting access, requiring MFA, applying additional policy controls, kicking off an risk-based access review, etc.
By incorporating Elevate risk data into an integrated Identity Management solution, customers can confidently implement adaptive access policies tuned to the risk of each user. High-risk users can be afforded more stringent protections that would be unacceptable if applied across the entire user population. At the same time, lower risk users can be afforded policies that balance their risk with the benefits of high productivity and worker satisfaction. The security team gets a best practice approach to IAM with lower incident rates, lower organization-wide risk, and less user generated incidents requiring triage and response.