Customer Genomics

Fractal Analytics Inc.

Customer Genomics

Fractal Analytics Inc.

One-step analytical solution for customer decisioning in an enterprise

Do you want to enable customer decisioning with ​Intelligence & Emotions ​at Speed and Scale? Is your organization struggling to generate personalized recommendations due to:

-Lack of interconnectedness - customer data is collected and stored in silos
-Lack of understanding - customer purchase decisions are irrational, a function of their persona, context, and environment which are rarely identified and captured in the modeling
-Lack of agility – frameworks, and models are often rule-based and static
-Lack of orchestration - customer outreach happens in a silo-ed manner, leading to fatigue and lower campaign response

Enabled for Cloud for Retail, leveraging the Real-time Personalization customer scenarios, Customer Genomics is an AI-powered automated customer personalization platform that elevates the shopping experience by powering the Next Best Experience at every stage in the customer journey in real-time.

-Customer Genomics develops a comprehensive and dynamic single view of a customer from various data sources across time periods.
-It also adds the emotional and behavioral aspects of a customer alongside data signals in a single view by using toolkits such as Ethnolab.
-After building the single customer view, it builds dynamic deep-learning ensembles that adjust to market behavior and actions in an automated self-
learning manner providing a holistic next-best action/messaging mechanism for end users.
- Customer Genomics is also capable of providing these next best actions in real-time for enabling effective digital interventions during a live user
session. It does this by building advanced AI models and using stream processing to generate recommendations within 15 seconds of any customer