Elastic Observability (Elasticsearch) - An Azure Native ISV Service


Elastic Observability (Elasticsearch) - An Azure Native ISV Service


Elastic is the search-powered AI platform for search applications, observability, and security.

Observability is a complex problem with operations and SRE teams inundated with data overload and alert storms. Elastic Observability accelerates problem resolution with AI-powered insights and an open, flexible, and unified full-stack observability solution. A single datastore ingests all telemetry data at scale, breaks down silos, and delivers correlation and context for faster root cause analysis. Reduce MTTR, increase operational and developer productivity, and accelerate innovation.

  • Accelerate problem resolution with AI-powered insights

  • Unify visibility for improved context and collaboration

  • Drive operational efficiency and lower TCO

Learn more about Elastic Observability and why Elastic won the 2023 Worldwide and US Microsoft Partner of the Year Award for Commercial Marketplace.

Other Elastic Offerings

Elastic Search
Elastic Security


Your Azure Marketplace purchase of Elastic will be included in your monthly consolidated billing statement. Your investment in Elastic draws against your committed spend with Microsoft. Elastic Cloud billing is based on your resource consumption metered across three separate dimensions: Deployment capacity, Data Transfer, and Storage. You can monitor and analyze your Elastic spend from the billing and usage page within the Elastic Cloud Console. For more information, visit these links:

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