
Bitmovin Inc.


Bitmovin Inc.

Bitmovin Streams is Bitmovin’s all-in-one solution to enable you to publish video content online

Bitmovin’s Streams is an end-to-end video streaming platform solution that allows you to upload and host content, encode on-demand video, and stream it globally across any device in the highest quality while monitoring it with in-depth Analytics.

With our Per-Title Video Encoding, your content is made available in the highest quality renditions with the lowest bitrate, ultimately reducing your storage and bandwidth costs. After your file is encoded, you’ll be able to customize the Video Player to your brand, implement monetization features, and embed it across your website or application. Once your users click play, our Video Player will adapt to their streaming environment, ensuring they have the highest quality of experience when viewing your content. Additionally, with our real-time quality and audience analytics, you’ll be able to track, monitor, and capture important metrics and events happening throughout each and every viewer session.

Streams is Accessible through Bitmovin's easy-to-use user interface or with its API library, and users of all experience levels can use Streams to simplify their streaming workflow, protect and monetize their content, and get to market fast.

Key Capabilities and Benefits

  • Advanced Per-Title Video Encoding - Ensure the best video quality and reduce storage and delivery costs.
  • Customizable Video Player - Brand the Video Player to give every viewer a unique viewing experience.

  • Adaptive Streaming - Our Player automatically optimizes the stream based on viewers' bandwidth.

  • Powerful Video Analytics - Capture actionable data on your viewer's streaming experience.

  • Monetization capabilities - Integrate ads into your video to monetize your business.

  • Simple deployment - Preview your video & share or embed it anywhere.

  • Scale easily - Streams is built to meet and grow with your streaming workflow needs.

If you are migrating from Azure Media Services (AMS), you may want to consider the Bitmovin Streams Migration from AMS listing which also includes Azure Blob Storage and CDN.