Ruby on Rails Server

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Ruby on Rails Server

Cloud Infrastructure Services

On CentOS Server 8.3. Rails is a web application development framework with SQLite3, Node.js, Yarn

Ruby on Rails Server on CentOS Server 8.3

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptions about what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write less code while accomplishing more than many other languages and frameworks. Experienced Rails developers also report that it makes web application development more fun.

Ruby on Rails is software code built on top of Ruby. Technically, it is defined as a package library called RubyGem. Ruby on Rails is an open-source web development framework, which provides Ruby developers a timesaving alternative to develop code. It is a collection of code libraries, which offer a ready-made solution for repetitive tasks like developing tables, forms or menus on the website.

It combines the Ruby programming language with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to develop web apps that execute on a web server. Since it runs on the webserver, Ruby on Rails is categorized as back-end or server-side web application development platform. Ruby on Rails is like PHP on Laravel and Symfony, or as a Python on Django. The major appeal of Ruby on Rails towards the developers lies beneath the compactness and elegance of the language. It is designed to support agile development to deliver productivity and flexibility for development teams.

Ruby on Rails Server Features:

  • MVC Architecture
  • Active Record
  • Convention over Configuration
  • Automated Testing - Unit testing setup called RSpec
  • Automated Deployment
  • Simple Programming Language
  • Scaffolding
  • Libraries
  • Localization
  • Easily scalable with quality output
  • SQLite3, Node.js, Yarn pre installed.
  • Ruby Server Support

    Follow the post setup guide on - Setup Ruby on Rails Server on Azure

    Disclaimer: Ruby on Rails is a registered trademark of David Heinemeier Hansson and is licensed under MIT License License. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to anyone resulting from the use of this software rest entirely with the user. The author is not responsible for any damage that its use could cause.