Containerize Any App On Azure

Evolute, Inc.

Containerize Any App On Azure

Evolute, Inc.

Transform any software into a container, scale your applications and move to microservices on Azure

Organizations today are seeking to realize the promise of the cloud, but are often hindered in migrating applications to this new environment. They recognize the potential inherent in container deployment, but expensive downtime, complexity, and unwieldy overhead all slow efforts to the point where migration alone can take 3 to 6 months per application. Evolute automates not only the initial container migration process but also streamlines and optimizes subsequent application infrastructure maintenance, optimization, and management for an effective end to end application lifecycle experience.


  • Pre-transformation kickoff call to discuss goals and scope of engagement
  • Migration(s) of your VM, bare metal, external cloud, or other workloads, up to 3 application services
  • Validate ability to scale in the Azure environment
  • Upgrade to a newer version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Linux, or Microsoft Windows Details of engagement
  • Bring any software to a Docker, Kubernetes, Evolute, Azure Container or Azure Stack-based platform
  • Up to 3 related individual software or services components included
    • Run software as containers or microservices with fast scale up/scale down
    • Ability to automate deployment of your software
    • Build and ship anywhere 
  • For IaaS, SAAS, PAAS or private cloud environments

Move to the latest generation

(RHEL/CentOS/Oracle) EL5, EL6 to EL7 - (Ubuntu) 4.10-17.10 to 18.04+
(Windows Server) 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016 to 2019 or
(Windows Desktop) Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 to Windows 10