NCache Enterprise Software (.NET 4.8)
NCache Enterprise Software (.NET 4.8)
NCache Enterprise Software (.NET 4.8)
Extremely Fast and Scalable Distributed In-Memory Datastore
Bring Your Own License (BYOL).
Version: 5.3.4
NCache is industry’s only 100% native .NET / .NET Core In-Memory Distributed Cache. NCache is extremely fast and linearly scalable. Use NCache to remove performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases and scale your .NET / .NET Core applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). Host NCache server VMs very close to your application and inside your own VNET. This makes it super-fast. You can also use NCache server VMs with your application running in Kubernetes Cluster. Or, you can use NCache server Docker instances in Kubernetes.
Please register at Alachisoft to obtain free trial license key.
Version: 5.3.4
NCache is industry’s only 100% native .NET / .NET Core In-Memory Distributed Cache. NCache is extremely fast and linearly scalable. Use NCache to remove performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases and scale your .NET / .NET Core applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). Host NCache server VMs very close to your application and inside your own VNET. This makes it super-fast. You can also use NCache server VMs with your application running in Kubernetes Cluster. Or, you can use NCache server Docker instances in Kubernetes.
Please register at Alachisoft to obtain free trial license key.
Feature highlights:
- App Data Caching
- SQL / LINQ queries, Tags, Named Tags, Groups
- Sync Cache with DB (SQL Server, Oracle, Cosmos DB, etc.)
- Read-through, Write-through, Cache Loader
- Data Structures (Counter, List, HashSet, Dictionary, Queue)
- Entity Framework EF Core Cache, NHibernate
- ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core Caching
- Pub / Sub Messaging, Continuous Query (CQ), Events
- Full Text Search with Distributed Lucene: for .NET / .NET Core apps
- NCache Architecture
- Client Cache (InProc Speed)
- Partition-Replica Cache
- Peer-to-Peer Dynamic Cache Cluster (high availability)
- Split Brain Auto-Recovery in Cache Cluster
- WAN Replication thru Bridge (Active-Passive, Active-Active, 3+ Active)
- Live Software Upgrade
- Wrapper APIs (no code change) for Redis and AppFabric
Important Links:
Please see BYOL pricing details