Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise


Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise


Microsoft Connected Cache preview is a software-only caching solution that delivers Microsoft static content within enterprise networks. Microsoft Connected Cache can be deployed to as many physical servers or VMs as needed and is managed from a cloud portal. Microsoft cloud services handle routing of consumer devices to the cache server for content downloads.

Microsoft Connected Cache preview is a software-only caching solution that delivers Microsoft static content within enterprise networks. Microsoft Connected Cache can be deployed to as many physical servers or VMs as needed and is managed from a cloud portal. Microsoft cloud services handle routing of consumer devices to the cache server for content downloads. For more information, Microsoft Connected Cache for Enterprise.

Benefits of Microsoft Connected Cache

- Reduces Load On Backbone - 98%+ Cache hit/ratio

- Requires no content management - Transparent, intelligent cache, pull model, caches only what is consumed by devices on your network

- Offers flexible deployment to as many bare-metal servers or VMs as needed

- Improves Download Experience - Brings the source closer to the end user (1.5 X faster download speeds & higher download success rate)