WittyParrot Document Assembler

Acrowit, Inc. D.B.A. WittyParrot

WittyParrot Document Assembler

Acrowit, Inc. D.B.A. WittyParrot

A productivity solution to assemble documents in few clicks using modular content blocks called Wits

WittyParrot Word widget a.k.a. “Document Assembler" is a productivity solution for knowledge workers to create word documents rapidly by assembling pre-built, consistent and compliant content.

Knowledge workers have to produce several documents and collaterals on a daily basis. Particularly legal, sales and marketing professionals have to create contracts, respond to RFPs, produce SOWs, which are highly time consuming. Most often repeated content is used again and again in multiple documents. WittyParrot helps to modularize such content for reuse, into content blocks called “Wits”. These Wits can be templatized using variables to tailor parts of content in the “Document Assembler” prior to using in word documents.

Examples of modular content blocks could be responses to RFP questions, legal sections for contracts, product inserts into collateral, etc. Such pre-built content blocks with variables can be accessed via “Document Assembler” widget inside of Word. With this “Document Assembler” inside Word, knowledge workers can quickly find modular & re-usable content blocks, tailor the content by entering values to variables and click of button populate word document.

Document Assembler enables all knowledge workers to “Instantly create word documents with consistent message which is brand compliant and tailored to the requirements of finished document”

You will require to signup for WittyParrot account in order to use this add-in.

Addin uses Microsoft WOPI services to render preview of documents.

Addin uses following CDN resources:

