Squid Auth Server on Ubuntu 22.04

Art Group

Squid Auth Server on Ubuntu 22.04

Art Group

Robust and feature-rich authentication and authorization software

Squid Auth Server on Ubuntu 22.04

Squid Auth is open-source software designed to provide authentication and authorization services for the Squid proxy server. This software is specifically designed to enhance the security of your Squid proxy server by enabling user authentication and authorization.

Experience the power of Squid Auth's unique capability to handle multiple authentication methods simultaneously, providing flexibility and convenience for your users.

Squid Auth also provides powerful authorization capabilities, allowing you to control the actions that users can perform through the proxy server. You can set up access control lists (ACLs) based on various criteria such as IP addresses, time of day, and user groups.

Squid Auth is easy to install and configure, with comprehensive documentation available to guide you through the setup process. It is also highly customizable, allowing you to configure and tweak the software to meet your specific requirements.

Don't miss out on the transformative power of Squid Auth. Try to use our Squid Auth Server on Ubuntu 22.04 now, and add authentication and authorization to your proxy server.

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