Dolphin on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

AskforCloud LLC

Dolphin on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

AskforCloud LLC

Dolphin is an open-source web-software platform to build your own social network.

Dolphin is an open-source web-software platform to build your own niche social network, community site, online club or an interest-based social website. Dolphin is designed to be simple, easy to use and customise. One doesn't have to be a programmer or web-designer to operate a Dolphin-powered website. Some understanding of web-servers, web-development, site administration, etc, would be beneficial, however.

Dolphin is an independent, self-hosted solution. This means that once you setup your site - you own it, you take care of it, you reap what you sow. This is a huge benefit, especially if you ever plan to turn your site into a profitable business, but this may imply certain level of involvement on your part.

🗸 Version - 7.4.2
🗸 To Configure Site - "/etc/apache2/sites-available/dolphin.conf" , Change ServerAdmin id and ServerName with Domain or IP.
🗸 Database - Mysql DBName "dolphin", DBuser"dolphinuser" and password "Ask@123".
🗸 Access URL- https://Public Ip/ or https://Internet IP/

🗸 Linux (SSH) : 22 TCP
🗸 http : 80
🗸 https : 443

Features :

🗸 You control and own your website.
🗸 Fully responsive, mobile-friendly design.
🗸 Unlimited scalability potential.
🗸 Full customisation freedom.
🗸 Tailored modifications and integrations.
🗸 Hosting, support and maintanance.
🗸 Highly permissive MIT license.

Disclaimer : This Virtual machine offer contains free and open source software. All the softwares, trademarks used in the Virtual machine offer are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Askforcloud LLC does not offer commercial license of the product mentioned above.

Note :
🗸 Dolphin software is a proprietary product of Boonex Pty Ltd.