Kanboard on Debian 10

AskforCloud LLC

Kanboard on Debian 10

AskforCloud LLC

Kanboard is a free and open source Kanban project management software.

Kanboard is a free and open source Kanban project management software.

  • Visualize your work
  • Limit your work in progress to focus on your goal
  • Drag and drop tasks to manage your project
  • Self-hosted
  • Super simple installation
  • Ports:
    🗸 Linux (SSH) : 22 TCP
    🗸 http : 80
    🗸 https : 443

    🗸 Installation Directory : /var/www/html/kanboard"
    🗸 To Configure Site - "/etc/apache2/sites-available/directus.conf" , Change ServerAdmin id and ServerName with Domain or IP.
    🗸 Database - Mysql, dbuser and database "kanboard" password is "Ask@123".
    🗸 Access URL- https://Public Ip/ or https://Server Ip/
    Note - default username "admin" and password is "admin" .

    Features :

    🗸 Simple - There is no fancy user interface, Kanboard focuses on simplicity and minimalism.
    🗸 Visual and clear overview of your tasks-The Kanban board is the best way to know the current status of a project because it's visual. It's very easy to understand, there is nothing to explain and no training is required.
    🗸 Automatic actions- Don't repeat yourself! Automate your workflow with automated actions.
    🗸 Free and Open Source software

    Disclaimer : This Virtual machine offer contains free and open source software. All the softwares, trademarks used in the Virtual machine offer are the exclusive property of respective owners. Askforcloud LLC does not offer commercial license of the product mentioned above.

    Note :
    🗸 Kanboard is distributed under the permissive MIT License. The software is mainly developed by Frédéric Guillot.