Cisco SD-WAN Test Drive (Netnology)

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco SD-WAN Test Drive (Netnology)

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco SD-WAN Test Drive to show Microsoft Azure/O365 Traffic Optimization

Cisco SD-WAN Test Drive powered by Netnology

This service will allow you to take the journey into SD-WAN to see the benefits of a Cisco SD-WAN Architecture while consuming Microsoft Azure and Office 365 resources. Cisco has been working closely with Microsoft engineering resources to deliver a seamless Cloud Ready WAN that provides for:
  • Optimized Azure and O365
  • Greater WAN Operational efficiency
  • Application Performance Optimization
  • Automated WAN Setup
  • Security to and into your cloud environments

Your Test Drive will be up to a 1/2 day engagement to showcase how Cisco SD-WAN can achieve your target business outcomes and address your specific use cases. This will be fully engineer led so you can be sure it is time well spent. The agenda of the Test Drive is as follows:

•Deliver 2-4-hour sessions for Customers
•Cisco SD-WAN Value Prop
•Cisco SD-WAN Office365/Azure Use-cases
•Office 365 Optimization with Cisco SD-WAN (SaaS)
•Cisco SD-WAN integration with Microsoft vWAN (IaaS)
•User-experience optimization leveraging Cisco SD-WAN features
•Demo environment with end-to-end user flows
•Degrade demo environment to showcase Cisco SD-WAN O365 optimization
•Lessons learned and enhancements