Openjdk 8 on CentOS 8.2

Cloud Maven Solutions

Openjdk 8 on CentOS 8.2

Cloud Maven Solutions

Openjdk 8 on CentOS 8.2

OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) Installed: openjdk version 1.8.0_272

Please use the command java -version to check the version.
Please refer the file /etc/profile.d/ for JAVA_HOME env variables. You can also use echo $JAVA_HOME to print the variable.
If you install anonther version or update java please update /etc/profile.d/ and use the command: source /etc/profile.d/

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CloudMaven Team on Azure Marketplace can help you in multiple ways including helping with providing any azure marketplace image you might need.You can request for any version of the image you need and we shall publish that image on azure marketplace. This can help you to launch products much faster on Microsoft Azure Cloud