Code Intelligence

Code Intelligence GmbH

Code Intelligence

Code Intelligence GmbH

Find the unexpected - Application Security Testing for developers using feedback-based fuzzing

Go beyond unit tests with AI-generated test cases. Uncover bugs deep in your code during runtime, without false positives. Stay secure and reliable with every pull request.

Code Intelligence enables developers to ship secure software fast. By automatically testing the codebase at each pull request, it lets developers find and fix security issues deep within the codebase, without ever leaving their preferred tools. Large parts of a pentester’s work can be automated with this approach. For dev teams that are committed to DevSecOps and CI/CD, Code Intelligence is the perfect addition, as it can continuously scan all software builds for OWASP vulnerabilities and other weaknesses, without slowing down the development process.

Code Intelligence relies on intelligent fuzzing algorithms that automatically refine test inputs based on runtime behavior in previous executions. This approach produces test inputs that can uncover bugs deeply within the software under test, that traditional testing methods tend to miss. Code intelligence only puts out reproducible issues, alleviating the effort of false-positives. It offers reporting and a full auditing trail for found vulnerabilities for each tested software version using standard issue classification.

Code Intelligence is compatible with all popular build systems, IDEs, ticket systems, issue trackers, and CI/CD tools. It also supports a wide range of programming languages, including:
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Go
  • JavaScript
  • Scala
  • Kotlin