Coforge Insurforge Framework

Coforge Limited

Coforge Insurforge Framework

Coforge Limited

Rapid templatized solution for MGAs/MGUs/Brokers to create and sell tailored new products for niche

Rapid templatized solution for MGAs/MGUs/Brokers to create and sell tailored new products for niche groups. The decupled solution supports the design and creation of Programs /Umbrella products (even backed by different carriers) to enable agile customization, tailoring (per region, client).


§ Insureds look for personalized / relevant coverages that are holistic in nature and are combined as one product

§ Need to create tailored new products or services from existing capabilities that are rapidly customized for niche groups to meet the unique expectations and risk needs of these groups

§ Increase Producer productivity by digital platforms that provide intuitive quote-to-bind features with workflows and automation, online information of products, self-service capabilities for insureds


§ Product Configurator: Industry blueprints to configure and define the Product attributes and combinations to serve the unique group

§ Rater capability with ability for business to configure rating rules for new products and modify existing ones by adjusting rating rules

§ Ability to maintain versions of different configurations added over time

§ Digital engagement platform with personalization and marketing capabilities

§ A non-programmatic way to author and publish content, update configurations (configuration driven behavior)

§ Multi-site capability to support launch of products and microsites along with multi-lingual support and dynamic forms

§ Integration capability to securely connect with internal apps, external partner services including payment gateways


  • Fast time to market when launching new Programs
  • Digital platform will deliver excellent customer experience
  • Greater distribution reach
  • Increased sales
  • Reduce manual effort on Producers to support existing customers and free them to create new Programs
  • Use shared technology foundation across Programs and reduce technical debt
  • Reduce cost of business with increased efficiency
  • Use content to generate leads on digital channels
  • Deliver ease of doing business for partners and customers