De-Identification Engine

Cubic Transportation Systems

De-Identification Engine

Cubic Transportation Systems

Transform sensitive and PII data into an analytics-ready dataset.

The De-Identification Engine ensures privacy objectives while supporting open data initiatives for data within an organization, as well as publishing data sets externally. The engine is configured to meet individual customer needs, preferences, and data sources, carefully balancing the analytical value that can be derived from the data with the amount of depersonalization that is applied. Each data source field is analyzed to determine the specific depersonalization technique that can be applied and includes removal, hashing, generalization, and aggregation. 

After the data has been transformed, it is then prepared for consumption and can be made available via a secure content portal, APIs, or simply delivered to a secure location. This tool can plug into open data hubs, as well as be used for publishing production like data to lower environments to support development. This tool automatically anonymizes PII data for safe consumption with simple configurable profiles for groups (i.e. internal tiered authorizations, external tiers supporting research groups and general public).