



Works with all email systems On-premise, in the cloud and even in a hybrid mode.

Works with all email systems. On-premise, in the cloud and even in a hybrid mode. Available on Microsoft Windows and Linux.

  • MailVault’s multi-protocol, multi-mail client and raw email support allows for some incredibly flexible deployment scenarios.
  • MailVault can acquire email from a variety of mail sources. These could be remote or local, from mail servers or simply over a connected file-system store.
  • The messages are acquired, de-duplicated, indexed and stored. This process happens in real-time making messages available for searching and retrieval.
  • Users connect to MailVault using a web-browser. Easy to use access from anywhere.

MailVault has been designed to integrate with your mail infrastructure in an easy, non-intrusive fashion.

Inspite of the flexibilty MailVault offers, whenever possible we would recommend the following basic integration steps:

  1. Configure the mailserver to make a copy of all messages into a single archive mailbox.
  2. Enable POP3 (or IMAP) access for the archive mailbox.
  3. Add this mailbox as a mail source into MailVault.
  4. All the company mail now starts getting archived.