Smart Docker


Smart Docker


This tool can help users to follow the life-cycle of containers in a dock.

In many situations, management and operations in a dock are still in a traditional way, and workers are using spreadsheets or paper way to manage the information flow. Dorabot team got the requirement from a seaport customer to digitalize the workflow in container yards and improve the efficiency. This tool is one part of a smart dock project. By connecting with real-time data from cameras and other facilities, users can follow the life-cycle of all containers in a yard and do scheduling plans more efficiently. People need to stay in the office or use intelligent terminals in somewhere to check detailed container information by simply clicking. You can also use the 3D view for checking from different angles. For some specific cases, for example, users can use our tool to reduce the time of customs clearance. Our long-term goal is to improve the automation and digitalization in docks. The Smart Docker is an important step.