PostgreSQL 15.5 on EuroLinux 9.3

EuroLinux Sp. z o. o.

PostgreSQL 15.5 on EuroLinux 9.3

EuroLinux Sp. z o. o.

PostgreSQL is an advanced Relational Database Management System characterized by extensive functionalities and compliance with the SQL standard.

PostgreSQL stands out as an advanced Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) renowned for its support of advanced data types. It boasts a rich array of functionalities, offering extensive capabilities for data management and analysis. Noteworthy is its commitment to adhering to the highest standards of SQL, ensuring compatibility and reliability in database operations. One of PostgreSQL's key strengths lies in its high extensibility, providing developers with the flexibility to customize and extend its features according to specific project requirements. This adaptability makes it a versatile choice for diverse applications and industries. Moreover, PostgreSQL is designed to facilitate seamless integration and deployment in various environments. Whether utilized locally, in cloud-based setups, or within containerized environments, PostgreSQL ensures consistent performance and data integrity. This adaptability is particularly valuable for modern, dynamic development workflows and scalable, cloud-native applications.