Eviden's Robotics Process Automation on Azure and Power Platform

Eviden International France - SAS

Eviden's Robotics Process Automation on Azure and Power Platform

Eviden International France - SAS

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates repetitive, time-consuming, or error-prone tasks.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates repetitive, time-consuming, or error-prone tasks, such as sending email notifications, updating spreadsheets, approving requests, and more. With the RPA of Power Automate, you can boost your organization’s productivity, streamline your operations, and enhance your customer experience. RPA leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help customers create intelligent workflows for analyzing data, extracting insights, and making smart decisions. Our customers can unlock new business possibilities by using RPA with Power Automate and the art of AI.

Outcome :

  • High ROI: Quick investment recovery, with payback periods over less than 1 year.
  • Operational agility: a robot is several times faster
  • Talent focus: focus on higher added value activities
  • Precision: a robot avoids human errors
  • No invasive: no interfaces are needed, and the robot replaces humans and accesses the systems similarly

RPA Benefits: RPA streamlines energy management, enhances operational efficiency, and increases customer satisfaction.

  • Scalability: Process management increases with little effort and cost.
  • Talent focus: It frees resources from repeatable and low-added-value activities to focus on higher-added-value tasks.
  • 24/7/365: A robot does not need to rest; it can work continuously.
  • Operational Agility: A robot is several times faster than a human resource.
  • Monitoring: The RPA tool gathers all steps taken and decisions made by the robot, increasing the traceability of all processes.
  • No invasive: It acts as user-operated software over the application interface layer. So, the impact on applications is non-intrusive.
  • Precision: A robot reduces human error, which may fall between 5% and 10% in the case of repeatable tasks.

Microsoft RPA Value: Microsoft RPA solutions offer seamless integration, scalability, reliability, and access to support and innovation.

  • Seamless Integration: Microsoft RPA solutions seamlessly integrate with Office 365, Dynamics 365, Teams, and Power BI, ensuring smooth collaboration and data flow within the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Familiarity and Accessibility: Leveraging widely used Microsoft products makes adopting RPA solutions more accessible and user-friendly, reducing training time and accelerating implementation.
  • End-to-End Solutions: Microsoft's suite of business applications enables comprehensive automation solutions, covering tasks from Office 365 to Dynamics 365 and data analysis in Power BI.
  • Scalability and Reliability: Built on Azure, Microsoft RPA solutions offer scalability, reliability, and security, enabling organizations to scale automation initiatives while meeting compliance standards confidently.
  • Support and Ecosystem: Access to Microsoft's extensive support network and ecosystem ensures organizations have the assistance and resources needed throughout their automation journey.
  • Innovation and Future-Proofing: Microsoft's commitment to innovation means RPA solutions continuously evolve to meet business needs, offering future-proof automation investments backed by a trusted brand.