HCL Retail Store Insights Platform (Real-Time Instore Insights-RII)

HCL Technologies Limited.

HCL Retail Store Insights Platform (Real-Time Instore Insights-RII)

HCL Technologies Limited.

HCL Retail Store Insights Platform

HCL Real-time instore insights (RII) leverages Microsoft Azure to provide insights based on data collected from sensors and uses IoT Edge components to perform store level data aggregation and run AI/ML models.
IoT Hub is used to connect store devices to cloud and start collecting data from sensors to derive business insights that are relevant to retailers.  Azure VMs are used for data processing and computations and Blob storage for historical data storage.

Following are the key features of the solution:

  • RII helps in transforming the store layout, redefine product lifecycles and rethink staffing around shopper interactions, based on footfall trends and purchase trends for optimizing operational costs using the collected data.
  • Provides heat maps and dwell times for highlighting key in-premise shopper touchpoints and interaction times.
  • Users can create contextual demographic sets, correlate with seasonality, and analyzes buyer behavior using the data collected. 
  • Can run intelligent in-store promotions based on key shopper touchpoints and designing smart planograms to boost conversion rates and sales per square feet.
  • Provides insights on Powerful inventory, conversion & profitability on integration with existing ERP, CRM and PoS software
  • RII can be easily integrated with existing loyalty programs to improve customer retention and design adaptable business models.
  • Can run independently of end-user devices and maintains shopper privacy.
  • Easy global deployment with minimal upfront investment